I just received yet another comment from a bug reported at 2001 asking for `support deletion of attachments‘ in evolution. It’s kind of interesting to see the demand to be fulfilled for all most one decade.

Good news is you no longer need to ask for the feature. Thanks for Milan Crha, developer of RedHat, who help to get the my small plugin into Evolution code base.

So you don’t need to build the plugin by yourself or looking for a package. The feature should be available at Evolution 2.91.2+. 🙂

News updated at 2010/10/31.

Even though I don’t use evolution daily basis, I still spent a few hours to work with the old plugin for the upcoming Evolution 2.30. In the latest version, Evolution plugin framework is now having a new EPluginUI for GtkUIManager. The plugin version below to 0.0.3 does not work with Evolution 2.30, please use 0.0.4 if you upgraded your evolution to 2.30.

You can download source code tarball at github (http://github.com/chihchun/evolution-remove-attachments). I have also built debian packages for these platform, if you want to test with binaries

  • For Ubuntu User
    • You can download and install package form my PPA for Maverick (10.10).
  • For Debian User
    • You can download the tarball and deb file for Debian sid from here.

Since I no longer use Evolution, if you feel the piece of software is useful for you, please consider making a donation to support me maintaining the software.

There are a few wireless driver supports Master mode (infrastructure mode or AP mode), you can manage these interface with iw tools and provide network services for others, just like a wireless router do.

However, many of cards does not support this feature. But you still can use iwconfig to switch to ad-hoc mode, which most of cards support. With ad-hoc mode, the others can directly communicate with you when both agree on the same network name (SSID) and channel.

So, with properly setup, you can create a local wireless network for nearby nodes, or even share your network with others. What I am interested about it’s to share the network with others.

Actually, the modern linux distribution with Network Manager installed has already supported this kind of feature. It’s very easy to setup in Network Manager.

Basically, you just need to setup a ad-hoc network manually, and enable it when you are connected with ethernet or 3g network.

A quick tutorial –

Edit a network, left click the network-manager icon, and select Edit Connections, select Wireless and click on “Add” network.

In the connection editing window, change Mode to Ad-Hoc, and set the SSID you prefer to use.

Switch to IPv4 Settings tab of tab, and change method to “Shared to other computers”. Save the configs.

After you connect to the wan (like pppoe or 3g network), you need to create the ad-hoc network manually.
Left click the network-manager icon, and click on “Create New Wireless Network”.

Just select the connection profile we setup in the previous step, and click Create. That’s it. The network manager will setup your wireless interface and dnsmasq for you.

If you are not using Network Manager, here is my little script to setup an Ad-Hoc network. Use it at your own risk. This is a tips.

Last weekend (2009 10/17~10/18), I went to Yahoo Open Hack Day Taiwan. The event seems has been become a big PR issue of Yahoo, only because a few minutes of lap dance.

Before I talked about what I feel about lap dance as a developer joined this event, I like to share about what we did in this event. As a team with hychen, tusng and honki, we were thinking about implement a self-learning web site, which provides a bookmarklet or plugin to let you look up the English words. And also help you to convert unfamiliar word on computer into physical flash card. But after we got there, we found this web site does not really use any Yahoo!API. :p

So, we pick up another idea from my never-have-time-to-start TODO list. We called it Synker,the original idea is to help people sync photos from any social network website into their own Google/Yahoo contacts. But we don’t want to have an avatar, we like to have photos with really face of our contacts. So we only use photos with face identified by integrated face detection technology. If you use these contact services on your phone, you will find it extremely useful when you try to remember someone when he/she calls.

After changed the idea, we start to implement it at Saturday afternoon. And finally we do can login with Yahoo account, download the contacts and find possible photo from Wretch profile and albums. It’s quite slow but it works. We tried to find Wretch girls hired by Yahoo as staffs to be our beta testers, it turns out that much of people don’t really use Yahoo! Contacts or Yahoo!360 lately. So most of the contacts are added very long time ago when YIM is still popular in Taiwan. For the local Wretch users, it might be much more useful if we can help them link their wretch users back to Yahoo contacts. However, Synker should be a service to help people sync photo into different contact service, the web site is now still a prototype, we might finish it later when we are available.

However, we did not win any award. Thanks to Erik Eldridge, at least we are mentioned in his favorite hacks list. But still, I have a lot of fun work with my teammate to implement a web site from scratch. I do enjoy to get tired, beard grown and smelly with friends after a non-stop 24 hours hacking. It’s exciting to experience issue and fix them together. It’s fun and we never stop laughing.

Thanks to Yahoo for organized this event. Without this event, I probably won’t get any chance to study Yahoo!APIs, and work with my friends on these APIs all day long. Thanks!

Sexism ?

So, many people feels women are offended, and they said sexism is bad for creating an inclusive environment in industry. I have to say please don’t judge the organizer before you understand the local culture. Applying your own viewpoints to the other side of earth is globalism, which does not help to create an inclusive environment.

As a developer staying there for the whole event, I don’t see the any lady are offended. But we, the shyly nerds are probably more insulted. :p

One my the other female friend XDite, she has been attend to Yahoo Open Hack Day since last year. She has same feeling as I do, we don’t feel it’s offending women. The dancing show is only a few minutes. We disliked it because it’s very annoyed for developers, since we have been coding for hours, a loudly music and dancing show just make us headache. It’s just annoying as the anchorwoman made some stupid jokes and asked developers to dance before the warding ceremony. It’s perhaps humiliated us much more then the dance girls.

Seriously, No! There are many female staffs around and many of the many of the top managers of Yahoo!Kimo Taiwan are female! And also the other female members in the other team. I don’t see there is any sexism issue in Yahoo and this event. However, I can understand why they like to have the dancing show, one for cheer the developers up after long time work, the other reason is to satisfy the local sick mass media.

The dancing show is only a few minutes, not the major part of the event. And we don’t care about the show, since we are really busy on get the things work. And yes, the kind of entertainments are expected in many IT events. It might comes from the history of southerns Taiwanese funerals and temple fair. People think it’s important to entertain Spirits, and living people, so they hire strippers to dance in public. It’s a symbol of supplicatory.

And somewhat this kind of traditions infected the IT event, but much more refined. Now, without Show Girls in a IT event, you will never get reported on local mainstream media. And this kind of tradition are spread in the world, which you can see many show girls on the online IT web sites.

It’s now become yet another industry for provide profession performing in IT events (commercial IT events does not mean open source software conference or hackathon). In addition, the dancing girl are professional dancers, they are not just boob girls or some woman found from the strip club. They are payed as profession for performing. I meant is creating something with your mind is much respectable then creatively with the body ? And what’s wrong that these ladies choose dancing as profession, is that one of talents should be appreciated ?

If you ask my opinion, I dislike this kind of arrangement it’s because it disturbed me. And don’t blame Yahoo, it’s totally not an issue of sexism of the event, you idiot. It’s about the sicked (local and global) media. Please go fight with the mainstream media if you think they are sexist, and many Taiwanese are already doing so.

Rex's presentation on OpenWRT case studies 這是連續第三年上台在 COSCUP 分享 OpenWRT 相關的經驗,前兩年談得是基本的使用、或是稍微進階一點修改韌體給一兩百人的研討會使用,稍微還帶到一點技術。

今年的分享,試著想要切合研討會的「Open source friendly hardware platform」的連續議程的主題,切成兩部份,一部分是 OpenWRT 偏商業應用與分析,分析過去一年來在網通市場的生態系統中,不同層面的廠商各用了甚麽樣的策略與方法去應用 OpenWRT 這套開源的系統,並且對業務與市場可以有甚麽樣的幫助。第二部份,則請在網通代工廠工作的 macpaul ,分享從網通廠工程師的角度,以 OpenWRT 做開發的實務整合經驗與效能結果。

我的簡報可於下載,macpaul 的部份可於觀看。全程演講之錄影也已經上線。有任何問題,歡迎與我聯絡,或留言於此。更歡迎在網通產業的前輩給予指教,特別是國內網通廠或 SoC 晶片廠對 OpenWRT 的態度與看法。

This is my third time to share my experience on OpenWRT project at COSCUP. The last two year I have shared the basic usage and software framework of OpenWRT, and also my experience to customize the OpenWRT firmware for open source conferences for allowing more then 100 people get connected with wifi in single room.

This year, I like to line up with the track ‘Open source friendly hardware’. So with another speaker Macpaul, we split the talk into two parts. The first part is presented by me, talked about how the industry use OpenWRT in their products, and how OpenWRT can do in the ecosystem. I tried to analysis how the strategies work on the business and marketing. The second part is presented by mapcual, as a OEM vendor engineer, macpaul shared his experience on day-on-day router firmware development, and the performance of the OpenWRT software stack.

At the beginning of this conference,  we were thinking about invite the core developers of OpenWRT project. But due to the limit of the event funding, the team can not afforded the ticket and hotel for trip of speaker. Hope, next year we will have opportunity to invite the core developers from the other country.

Photo is taken by Jim Grisanzio, The best photo of my talk I can find on Internet. Thanks! Jim.

In order to access some embedded system, network equipments, wifi routers, I usually need to use serial communication programs like kermit, minicom.

However, I usually need to access to different devices with different baud rate. So, I wrote some scripts for helping me.

The first one is kermit.sh, which get the options from environment variable. It’s using /dev/ttyUSB0 by default, and 9600 as baud rate. If you want to use differnt device name, just type

$ kermit.sh # using default
$ DEVICE=/dev/ttyUSB1 SPEED=115200 kermit.sh

The script will also save a session log in /tmp, it will show you the filename after you exit from the terminal. However, since kermit is not free. (because it ask developers who make modifications send back the chages). I also wrote another script for minicom.

This is a tip for Debian GNU/Linux.