我不知道有多少人跟我一樣,購買某項商品前,一定先調查行情與評價,甚至帶著 Dopod 838Pro 跑到 7-11 前面用 WiFly 上網尋價。這大約是線上購物網站與拍賣所造成的新消費行為,資訊越流通,消費者越加精明。根據 Barry Schwartz 所著 《只想買條牛仔褲:選擇的弔詭》這本書的建議,我應該學會滿足「夠好」的選擇,認清自己的心理反應,但總按耐不了內新的求知慾望。這個一個糟糕的毛病,不過作為一個資訊充足的消費者,找到高 C/P 值商品的吸引實在太誘惑人了。

Each December, millions of consumers worldwide face the challenge of wading through a dizzying array of options and alternatives in an attempt to find the perfect holiday gift for that special someone.

For some, that challenge can be a cause for consternation. Too many choices, too little time, not enough information—all combine to produce a feeling of helplessness, a loss of control, a vague but palpable apprehension.

Sound familiar? AURA is here to help.

AURA, the Advanced User Resource Annotation system, is a research prototype from the Community Technologies Group within Microsoft Research Redmond. The technology, recently made available for download on Windows Mobile Devices, enables users to add and access comments about physical objects via personal mobile devices and Web services.

The system is designed for items with a unique identifier attached to them. Books, DVDs, CDs, software, food products, and many other objects for sale these days have a bar code and, therefore, are candidates for user annotation and consultation. Once AURA-type annotation becomes commonplace, the physical objects we encounter will each have a back story available for reference.

這是微軟所發佈的一則研究計畫新聞。這個計畫稱為 AURA,是微軟從 2002 年開始的一個研究計畫,目的是研究將物品或地區以數位標注後,使用者與團體的反應。這個系統假設每個物件都有一個獨一的標籤,這個標籤連結了文字、聲音、影響與對話討論。2002 年的研究報告影片可以在 Marc Smith 的網頁取得。

Source: Marc Smith

AURA 最近釋出了一個可以讀取一維條碼的軟體供下載,可以讀取常見的 UPC, ISBN 等條碼,並連結到微軟的 Portal 網站,可以再進一步的進行產品資訊搜尋等。目前支援 Windows Mobile 平台。由於讀取一維條碼,需要具備近拍與自動對焦的相機鏡頭,一般的 PDA 相機鏡頭功能都還不足,但是 AURA 計畫目前正在免費提供鏡頭設備,只要提供回郵信封,就可以免費索取一個外掛鏡頭喔。

A.U.R.A. requires close, focused pictures of barcodes to convert the image into a decoded string. Many Windows Mobile devices have cameras that cannot focus at the close distances required by A.U.R.A. To work around this you can apply an A.U.R.A. Lens Kit to your phone. We will send a lens kit to anyone who sends a self-addressed stamped envelope

當然微軟不是唯一想做這件事情的人,還有如 UC Berkeley 的 iBuyRight 也是類似的計畫,日本 Amazon 也在 2004 年曾經測試過這樣的服務。

若你想實踐這樣的應用,問題之一,是你通常沒有特定條碼的對應產品資訊,所幸有個網站UPC Database 提供 Web Services 的查詢系統。此外還有一個網站 Barcodepedia,Barcodepedia 是一個透過 Flash 與 WebCam 讀取一維條碼的線上系統,主要的概念是提供一個可以分享、共筆產品資訊的網站,就像 Wikipedia 一樣。