Sean Moss-Pultz

5/8 在 Tossug 舉辦的分享活動算是相當成功,當天總共來了超過五十位聽眾。許多朋友也留下聯絡資訊,或許可以加入開發社群或即將成立的 OpenMoko 公司。

演講分為兩節,Sean Moss-Pultz 介紹關於 OpenMoko 的背景故事,起源與目標。而 Harald Welte 則介紹軟硬體等技術細節。

Harald Welte

演講完整錄影,影片將上傳至網路,簡報一併於稍後提供。謝謝 psilotum 攝影,以及 Tossug 工作人員的辛苦籌備。

  • Golden Huang

    Dear Sir,

    I am so interested in your concept on the OpenMoko. How can I get the second generation of NEO1973? Or any opportunity that we can cowork together to come out the next generation? We can support Camera interface in hardware and other related multimedia feature in hardware.

    Please confirm me. Thanks.


  • Hi, Mr. Huang

    I am not OpenMoko’s employee. But I will forward the messages to the RD team leader and operation people. 🙂
