Mobile barcode, especially QRCode is more and more popular in Taiwan in last couple years. There are more and more devices has QRCode reader built in, and we are seeing more and more 2d barcodes on print medias.

I mean it, every day I go to the office on MRTs. I always see some billboards have QRCode on it, and also many free MRT news papers.

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之前在行動條碼一文中中提到數個可以產生 QRCode 的軟體函式庫,如

先前提到">OMIA 2006/10/13 的會員大會暨推動成果發表會辦理了一次行動條碼捐贈典禮,其中工業技術研究院捐贈了製碼軟體開發工具 (Dll files),此檔案可以在 OMIA 行動條碼入口網下載
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今年九月時 Google 整合更新了 MyMap 個人化地圖的分享功能,讓普羅大眾也可以透過 My Maps 的介面,自行拖拉增修 POI, 並且分享給其他人。分享之後的 POI 的資訊會在搜尋時,一併顯示。目前就有許多人製作了相當多有趣的公開地圖,製作個人化地圖的方式還算直接與簡單,同時你也可以將個人地圖分享給其他人。

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About 2 weeks ago, I went to Tokyo for a business trip. As usual, I always do some study on the strange city. Every time, when you first arrived to a new city. You need to find the place to stay, and then you can plan the spots to visit.

I found the Google My Maps is a quite nice tool to do travel plans. Since you can easily locale the sign spots and hotels with the Google Map’s geocoding function, take notes and share with the others.

My study on hotels in Shibuya.

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