If you ever read my blog entry for setting up the Debian.org.tw, you probably already know that I love to use reverse proxy in the front of my web servers. This approach can solve the signal IP address for multiple Vservers problem, also it can provide web cache which reducing the server loading.

Since the proxy server (Squid) pass the http session to the real web servers, one of the problem is that my web servers always saw signal source IP address, which is the proxy’s IP address. Even through the proxy server still put the client’s IP in the `X-Forwarded-For’ http header, it’s still painful to retrieve the correct IP address from the head in every web application.

Thanks for Thomas Eibner, who wrote the reverse proxy add forward module for apache. The module simply check the IP address to see if it comes from the proxy server, if it is it will put the IP address in `X-Forwarded-Host’ or `X-Host’ to `Host’ header. So you don’t need to worry about the wrong IP address, and track the http requests more easily.

Debian package is ported by Piotr Roszatycki, but it’s still the old 0.5 version. Since the 0.6 is out, I filed a bugreport for remind him. For my etch servers, I back-ported the package with the last version. You can download it from my personal repository.

BTW, Piotr Roszatycki use yada for libapache2-mod-rpaf, who is also the maintainer of yada. After reading the yada’s script file `debian/packages’, I really feel like I went to my `good’ old days with RPM/specs. :p

昨日 (2/19) 的工商日報頭版 (發現過去一年整天做些低等技術的東西而停止注意產業資訊,因此又開始恢復每天讀兩份以上平面報紙並書寫的習慣) 是調查局發佈的「網頁掛馬」攻擊新聞稿。看似警告民眾網路有毒,千萬別亂逛亂抓陳冠希的性愛照,不過新聞稿下方還刻意的引用刑法第 235條散布猥褻物品罪,感覺嚇阻散佈色情照片的味道大於病毒警示阿。

據說鳥人大大的說好話,看好圖說法,萬一不小心見到的新版的性愛照,請先丟給阿碼科技的 Armorize Special Forces 團隊掃一掃喔。因為幾篇新聞中提到調查局這次的數據都是出自阿碼科技,調查局透過HackAlert™系統長期監控台海網站,這次類似的網站大約有180個,有許多網站到目前為止都還有裝有惡意程式。(阿碼科技尚很佛心的提供了 HackAlert 系統免費申請帳號試用) 新聞中並提供了幾個示範網址

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今日設定了一個新的 Trac host, 為了方便眾人使用,期待預設用單一帳號登入,但是由於該組織使用的 LDAP Server 必須接上 VPN 才能存取,頗為不便。

貪圖省事的前提下,打算讓所有使用者都透過 POP3 Server 認證,由於 POP3 Server 已經接上 LDAP Server 作單一認證,因此最終還是可以使用單一帳號、密碼存取服務。

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