今日重新讀了 OpenWRT 中付的 qos-scripts,發現它其實高度整合了 IMQL7-Filter 等機制與 HFSC, SFQ, RED scheduling algorithms ,並且使用了新的 UCI 設定介面。


# QoS configuration for OpenWrt

config interface wan
	option classgroup  "Default"
	option enabled      1
	option overhead     1
	option upload       128
	option download     1024

config classify
	option target       "Bulk"
	option ipp2p        "all"
config classify
	option target       "Bulk"
	option layer7       "edonkey"
config classify
	option target       "Bulk"
	option layer7       "bittorrent"
config classify
	option target       "Priority"
	option ports        "22,53"
config classify
	option target       "Normal"
	option proto        "tcp"
	option ports        "20,21,25,80,110,443,993,995"
config classify
	option target       "Express"
	option ports        "5190"
config default
	option target       "Express"
	option proto        "udp"
	option pktsize      "-500"
config reclassify
	option target       "Priority"
	option proto        "icmp"
config default
	option target       "Bulk"
	option portrange    "1024-65535"
config reclassify
	option target       "Priority"
	option proto        "tcp"
	option pktsize      "-128"
	option mark         "!Bulk"
	option tcpflags     "SYN"
config reclassify
	option target       "Priority"
	option proto        "tcp"
	option pktsize      "-128"
	option mark	        "!Bulk"
	option tcpflags     "ACK"

# Don't change the stuff below unless you
# really know what it means 🙂

config classgroup "Default"
	option classes      "Priority Express Normal Bulk"
	option default      "Normal"

config class "Priority"
	option packetsize  400
	option maxsize     400
	option avgrate     10
	option priority    20
config class "Priority_down"
	option packetsize  1000
	option avgrate     10

config class "Express"
	option packetsize  1000
	option maxsize     800
	option avgrate     50
	option priority    10

config class "Normal"
	option packetsize  1500
	option packetdelay 100
	option avgrate     10
	option priority    5
config class "Normal_down"
	option avgrate     20

config class "Bulk"
	option avgrate     1
	option packetdelay 200

於是系統可以辨識使用的是哪一種協定,且 TCP ACK 跟 SYN 會有比較高的優先值,因此使用非下載的協定如 TELNET 等反應速度會比較快。而 ICMP、ssh、DNS 等協定會有比較高的優先值,接下來是常用的網頁、電子郵件等服務。而 P2P 如 eDonkey, BitTorrent 與其他協定則只能排在最低的優先次序。如此即便上網同時養動物,也可以避免影響到一般的網頁瀏覽與電子郵件使用。

如此的實做跟一般裝在 Windows 系統上的 cFosSpeed (cFosSpeed 原理中文說明) 為異曲同工。跟前幾天見到 Mobile01 上的 AXIMCom P2P Gear 討論 以及 Lantech WL54G-MIMO BR 的討論,應該也是使用相同的技術與原理。FON 所銷售的 Fonera 是基於 OpenWRT 開發,其實也使用同樣的技術來作 QoS,因此若在 User Zone 啟用了這樣的機制,就不用擔心透過 Public ESSID 使用 P2P 軟體所造成的頻寬影響。

Linux 上還有一個比較簡單陽春的實做,是 Wonder Shaper,基本上原理相同,也是避免上下傳封包佔滿小水管,以便讓一般的網路連線可以正常使用。這個 Script 已經被移植到 DebianOpenWRT 中。技術細節可以參考 Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control

方才讀了 Florian Fainelli 的 OpenWRT 簡報,這份簡報是在今年的 Fosdem 所演講發表。這份文件應該是目前最新的 OpenWRT 簡介了,包含的概觀介紹與幾個主要的元件設計、開發與安裝。

剛想入門使用 OpenWRT 的朋友不妨參考

關於今年 FOSDEM 的相關花絮請參 Mr. Holiday 的熱血遊記阿。

雖然說 ISP 擋掉 BitTorrent 是很常見的事情,但是阻擋到影響一般日常用途就實在令人非常火大啦。調查起因是我試著在凱擘(東森媒體科技)用 OpenVPN 連回幾個位在 Hinet, Seednet, TANet 的伺服器上,在其他的 ISP 使用大致沒有問題,但是使用 Kbronet 總是會斷線,而且斷線方式是小量傳輸沒問題,但若傳輸量稍高就會被切斷連線。於是出現可以 ssh over OpenVPN 勉強可登入, 但是只要一 ls 就斷線的鳥事。原本 OpenVPN 的 server port 設定是 UDP 1194,改成 TCP 1194 後便沒有斷線問題。去電客服,當然死不承認有限制頻寬擋 P2P 軟體這件事情。問題是 Kbronet 除了 擋 BitTorrent 常用的 6881-6888 外,連其他的 UDP Ports 都一併擋掉,害我無法正常使用 OpenVPN 實在很惱人。

因此拿出 iperf + wireshark 實測一下,發現若是 Port 6881-6888 使用 TCP 瞬間就會收到TCP RST injections,而 UDP 也會收到莫名其妙的 ICMP Port unreachable 封包。這也就是為什麼 OpenVPN 老是斷線的原因。也因此如果在 Kbronet 用 BT 只用預設的 688x Ports, 下載會非常緩慢。

不過 Kbronet 看來尚未進化到 Content Filtering 的程度,將 rtorrent port 改到 80,未加密的 BitTorrent Connection 在 2M/256 的線路上大約可以衝到 215 KB. 一不做二不休也就把 DHT Port 改到 53 去了。

誰應該去把 Kbronet 加進 Bad ISPs 才對。(花了數分鐘才搞懂原來 wiki 編輯帳號得去 IRC 討,偏偏 #azureus-wiki Channel 裡面沒人。)

上一篇提到可以透過 debconf 的無交互介面的軟體安裝,其實你尚可以用 debconf 來做 preseeding (sarge 的中文手冊也提到 preseeding)的設定檔。Preseeding 是一種製作「無人值守」安裝光碟的方法,基本上就是以預先設定回答所有安裝過程中會詢問的問題,因此你可以先做好一片預定安裝的軟體與設定的安裝光碟/設定檔,然後使用該設定自動安裝機器。透過 debconf 的幫忙,你可以先架設一台 Debian 主機作為「種子」,然後以該種子的設定複製到其它的新安裝機器上。作法相當容易,你可以使用 debconf-get-selections 取得種子機器的所有設定,透過參數程式會吐出一段樣本,再依據需求校改即可。

# debconf-get-selections --installer

相關的語法同手冊描述,修改完成的 preseed.cfg 可於置於網路或磁碟中,再於一般的 Debian 安裝光碟中指定路徑即可。雖說相關的指令不難,但是若要修改到可以順利安裝與調整的程度,還是需要相當多時間調校,相關說明不妨參考 Automating new Debian installations with preseeding

AndrewLee 利用 preseeding 做了一組 Debian for Beginners,內容整合了中文相關的套件與常用的軟體。陸陸續續也校修了不少問題,有興趣使用 Debian 的人不妨試用安裝。至於想偷學技巧人,請往 http://debian.org.tw/d-i/etch/preseed.cfg 挖寶去吧。

Once you have many Debian servers, maintenance would be a problem. I just counted that I have more then 30 etch servers running in several vserver machines. Sometimes, I would like to install Debian package in all of these servers. However, it takes too much time to ssh /vserver enter into every hosts, and answer the installation questions one by one.

Thanks for the debconf(1), it’s quite easy to do non-interactive installation, since debconf already provide a noninteractive frontend. All you need to do is set the configuration before you install the package. It can be done by debconf-set-selections.

First, you have to install the package in one hosts. It would be better if you install/test the package on the same distribution version and package version. Here is an example for install localepurge. localepurge is a software for superfluous locale data, that will save you some disk space. As a Chinese, I usually don’t need Spanish, Franch and any other hundreds of different locale data.

Once you install the localepurge, you can use debconf-get-selections to dump the configuration you did.  The debconf-get-selections is part of the debconf-utils. The command would look like

# debconf-get-selections |grep ^localepurge
localepurge	localepurge/quickndirtycalc	boolean	true
localepurge	localepurge/remove_no	note
localepurge	localepurge/mandelete	boolean	true
localepurge	localepurge/showfreedspace	boolean	true
localepurge	localepurge/verbose	boolean	false
localepurge	localepurge/nopurge	multiselect	en, en_US.UTF-8, zh, zh_TW, zh_TW.UTF-8
localepurge	localepurge/dontbothernew	boolean	false
localepurge	localepurge/none_selected	boolean	false

So, these are the questions the debconf will ask you. (Since the questions has different priorities, you might not be asked for all the questions) The localepurge/nopurge line is the locales data we want to keep, so we also want to let the other servers have the same settings. You can use debconf-set-selections to set the values in the other servers.

# echo "localepurge localepurge/nopurge multiselect en, en_US.UTF-8, zh, zh_TW, zh_TW.UTF-8"|debconf-set-selections

Then you can now install the package, it will use the default value you just gave. If you need to install many servser, and do not want to see the question dialogs. You can use noninteractive fronetend to bypas the questions.

# DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive dpkg-reconfigure localepurge

This is a Tips for Debian system.

Thanks clkao (高大師) for the great svn-mirror tool. I am using svn-mirror 0.68-3 on Debian Etch for mirror svn repository from the damn far and slow European svn server, so I can enjoy the super faster checkout and show the log messages on local server.

However, since the the svn server is slow and connection is not stable (otherwise I don’t need svn-mirror anyway). The connection might be dropped or the process could be killed by accident in the long mirroring process. The problem is once the program is killed (Ex: by Control+C), then it will run into a dead lock situation. You will keep seeing this messages, and never get the mirror work again.

Waiting for sync lock on /mirror/remote: openwrt:25221.

In order to fix the problem, I wrote a simple script svn-mirror-unlock.pl. It’s for clean the dead lock.

$ svn-mirror-unlock.pl
svn-mirror-unlock.pl: unlock SVMREPOS path
$ perl svn-mirror-unlock.pl unlock /home/svn mirror/remote

This is a tip for Debian.