Hacking the Lobos LB-SP110 at HumanitySpace with Ping and Thinker, 2006-11-21. Thanks psilotum for the picture.
The original design of Porta2030 is using a LCD and 4 buttons for communication. The LCD can only display 32 characters for messages, and 4 buttons for differnet porta porter status.
The porta-porter communicates with each other by using an LCD 4 click button device. Four buttons signal four humors: four fluids (blood, black bile, yellow bile and phlegm) , four basic elements of nature (air, earth, fire and water) and four temperaments.(sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic). The click button signals are translated into 4 color animation on the performance interface. Urgency signals triggered by real life events inform porta-porters on her LCD terminal with alarm beeps and call for porta-porter’ responsive action.
Source: Porta2030 London