If you are using Debian or Ubuntu, and installed the Gnome system by default. Your system probably already has Gnome Volume Manager.

The Gnome Volume Manger is a daemon which listens the hardware events (HAL event), and run the user-configurable commands. Basiclly, it do autorun, automount for the hot-plugged devices. In plain English, it run the Multimedia Player or CD Burning software when you put a CD into the cdrom driver.

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最近時常有查閱多時區時鐘的需求,雖然 Linux 上有些小軟體可以設定顯示數個時區,像是簡單易用的 gworldclock, International clockSunclock 等。

但身為 Geek, 自然習慣在 Terminal 下工作,然後透過一些 Script 查看目前的時區,最簡易的作法就是利用 “TZ” 環境變數來快速的切換時區。

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