Hacking the Lobos LB-SP110 at HumanitySpace with Ping and Thinker, 2006-11-21
Hacking the Lobos LB-SP110 at HumanitySpace with Ping and Thinker, 2006-11-21. Thanks psilotum for the picture.

The original design of Porta2030 is using a LCD and 4 buttons for communication. The LCD can only display 32 characters for messages, and 4 buttons for differnet porta porter status.

Porta Pack, keypad and lcd

The porta-porter communicates with each other by using an LCD 4 click button device. Four buttons signal four humors: four fluids (blood, black bile, yellow bile and phlegm) , four basic elements of nature (air, earth, fire and water) and four temperaments.(sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic). The click button signals are translated into 4 color animation on the performance interface. Urgency signals triggered by real life events inform porta-porters on her LCD terminal with alarm beeps and call for porta-porter’ responsive action.

Source: Porta2030 London

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今日各大主流媒體播放了一則聳動的新聞 「一至四日 入侵比例佔全球七成 攻擊台灣 國際駭客發動網路戰」,報導中說到



隨著開放原始碼,企業基於預算的考量,免費的 Linux 逐漸成為市場的主流。但是 Linux 的維護與防毒能力大多是靠有志之士自動自發的維護,品質難以與微軟視窗作業系統匹敵,也自然成為駭客攻擊的對象。依調查局掌握情資,去年以前 Linux 遭受 攻擊的比率還低於兩成,現在因為使用逐漸普及,導致攻擊的頻率逐漸升高,目前已接近四成。

乍聽之下,還以為是親微軟的資安公司放出的 FUD。仔細閱讀,發現是善於操控媒體的法務部調查局電腦犯罪偵辦科調查員錢世傑先生所提供的消息。

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