Last Saturday, I went to Taipei Fine Arts Museum for PORTA2030 which is presenting by TAKE2030 at the Taipei Biennale 2006. The Taipie Biennale 2006 is from 2006/11/04 to 2007/02/25.

(If you can not read the PORTA2030 web pages, change the browser character encoding setting into UTF-16 little endian.)

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自從 Flash 7 之後,Macromedia (已被 Adobe 收購) 就一直未對 Linux 平台釋出新版 Flash Player. 去年年底 Flash Player 的產品經理 Emmy Huang 在她的 blog 提到 Adobe 正在開發 Flash 8.5 的 Linux 版本,今年年中宣佈將支援 Flash 9 版本。終於,上個月 18 號,Adobe 釋出了 Flash 9 for Linux beta. 你可於 Adobe Lab 下載 Flash Player 9 Installers for Linux.

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The software is updated at 2010/10/05.

I use Evolution with Microsoft exchange server in office for 2 years. It’s a pretty good software which is integrated mail, addressbook and calendaring functionality, a groupware suite that all I need for office productivity.

However, when you use a email client for a long time, the e-mails will take more and more disk space. Especially, when you exchange many attachments with the other people. I have to keep the e-mails for record, but the attachments are all filed. I don’t want them to take my disk space anymore. I would like to save some space for really important project. It’s time to get rid of them. I need a plugin for remove these attachments.

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感謝 YK Lin 的介紹,昨天晚上與 Jordi Vallejo (持正在製造的 “La Fonera”) 見了面。Jordi 目前在 負責新的 “FON Liberator” 計畫,這個計畫是加強版的 “La Fonera”,更快的記憶體、運算能力與可以擴充的 USB Port/磁碟,如此一來就可以與 Youtube, Azureus, Flickr, Samba 等其他服務一起應用。

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