If you are using Debian or Ubuntu, and installed the Gnome system by default. Your system probably already has Gnome Volume Manager.

The Gnome Volume Manger is a daemon which listens the hardware events (HAL event), and run the user-configurable commands. Basiclly, it do autorun, automount for the hot-plugged devices. In plain English, it run the Multimedia Player or CD Burning software when you put a CD into the cdrom driver.

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最近時常有查閱多時區時鐘的需求,雖然 Linux 上有些小軟體可以設定顯示數個時區,像是簡單易用的 gworldclock, International clockSunclock 等。

但身為 Geek, 自然習慣在 Terminal 下工作,然後透過一些 Script 查看目前的時區,最簡易的作法就是利用 “TZ” 環境變數來快速的切換時區。

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四元(4$) 一直對小巧可愛的路由器非常感興趣,他寫了一篇關於 「Linux 絕對有支援的無線網路卡」提到了 ASUS WL-330g, D-Link DWL-G730APBelkin Wireless G Travel Router 等非常省電容易攜帶的產品。

4$ 動了一個主意,想把可愛的 La Fonera 改裝成類似上述的產品,可以透過 Ethernet 連上 WiFi AP,再透過 WiFi AP 連上外部的網路。由於 4$ Hackathon的時,在 cclien 的協助下,成功的編譯了 OpenWrt 的開發版 Kamikaze ,並燒進 FON La Fonera 中,因此他需要做的只是再把設定寫進去即可。

Hacking La fonera

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For some reasons, La Fonera only allow users to upload a firmware released by FON.com. The /bin/fonverify upgrade script written by Pablo Martin is using a public-key cryptography for protect the firmware images. Each firmware image has a RIPEMD-160 message digest for verification. Only the verified images will be wrote into the flash.

However, since La Fonera is OpenWRT-based, you can do anything on the device once you get login into the system. There are several ways to do so.

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Hacking the Lobos LB-SP110 at HumanitySpace with Ping and Thinker, 2006-11-21
Hacking the Lobos LB-SP110 at HumanitySpace with Ping and Thinker, 2006-11-21. Thanks psilotum for the picture.

The original design of Porta2030 is using a LCD and 4 buttons for communication. The LCD can only display 32 characters for messages, and 4 buttons for differnet porta porter status.

Porta Pack, keypad and lcd

The porta-porter communicates with each other by using an LCD 4 click button device. Four buttons signal four humors: four fluids (blood, black bile, yellow bile and phlegm) , four basic elements of nature (air, earth, fire and water) and four temperaments.(sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic). The click button signals are translated into 4 color animation on the performance interface. Urgency signals triggered by real life events inform porta-porters on her LCD terminal with alarm beeps and call for porta-porter’ responsive action.

Source: Porta2030 London

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