In the late 1990s, DigitalConvergence.:Com (now-defunct) developed a barcode reader named :CueCat, which is a cat-shaped handheld barcode reader. The :CueCat enabled people to link to an Internet website by scanning a 1D barcode. It’s a cool idea. But, the commercial was failed, because they used proprietary data format which being scrambled. The other problem is privacy issue. Each :CueCat device has a unique serial number to profiling and tracking of users. As Joel Spolsky said, the whole business model is actually a Chicken and Egg Syndrome. You just can not make people use a system they don’t trust, and the manufacturer will not pay to license the ability to create the proprietary barcodes for a system nobody uses. :CutCat was selected as top 10 worst products at 2005 by CNET. For more information about :CutCat, please visit How to Neuter a :Cat.

The CueCat barcode scanner.
by Chris Tomkins-Tinch, license under the GFDL.

It’s not a good idea to create a proprietary system for mass market, even the devices are free giveaway. Only public standard can survive on the market. QRCode is one of examples which is widely used in Japan, and soon in Taiwan and China. QRCode is kind of 2D barcode which can store more information then 1D barcode. For example, you can store addresses and URLs in QRCode. In Japan, it’s increasingly common in magazines and advertisements. Another common use is putting QR Code on business cards, it’s greatly simplifying the task of entering the personal details into the phone book of one’s mobile phone. There are some companies provide business cards design services with QR Code. (Ex: QRコード名刺!スピード印刷!ぷりんと王国) For more information about QRcode, please read my another entry mobile barcode (It’s in Chinese, Sorry. But you can read the images and video. 🙂 ).

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遠傳電信在 2006 年四月順著達文西密碼的風潮,順勢推出了 QRCode 服務後,這半年來,推出了「行動條碼酷炫樂園」製碼服務,也陸續在帳單等行銷文宣上推廣行動條碼的相關應用。

遠傳電信除了在電信帳單夾頁上置入各種加值服務、圖鈴下載的 QRCode 連結外,更整合了遠傳行動錢包服務,在電信帳單後放上 QRCode,用戶可以掃描電信帳單上得 QRCode 完成帳單支付。除了自家印刷品,遠傳也開始跟蘋果日報合作,在《蘋果剪便宜週刊》上大量應用 QRCode,《蘋果剪便宜週刊》是在今年年中的新刊物,每週一出版,整本冊子都是吃喝玩樂的折價卷,零售新台幣五元。

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using-barcode.png微軟推出 Windows Live Barcode,這是一個利用 QRCode 製作名片的線上網站!

這個網站的功能非常簡單,只提供概念上的動畫說明,敘述如何將條碼應用於名片上,並提供文字與通訊錄製作的條碼產生軟體。很遺憾的,這個網站無法使用 Mozilla/Firefox 讀取。而且產生的通訊錄條碼是 BIZCARD 之規格,非 QRCode 常見的 VCARD, MECARD 或 MEMORY 格式 。目前市面上可以下載的軟體應該無一可正確辨認吧。

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A visitor lef a comment on my post “Linux Mobile Phone“. I try to answer this question here.

ohhh, You get a very thorough and impressive analysis here, as well as many insightful opinions.

I agree almost of your saying and share the same concern on mobile ecosystem progress in the approaching rich media era. With your great passion in this arena, you could be a great active PM to influce in this revolution.

But I wonder how does the factor plays between Technology Push and Market Pull here. Will be the customised phone more easily to use by the ordinary consumer?

Hi, Lu. I appreciate that you like my post, and you asked a very good question. I wrote that entry for hackers who want to build a mobile phone for themselves, and gave my view on linux-based mobile phone standards. It might be too geeky. However, I can answer your question in my humble opinion.

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