JOANNE The samples won't delay, but the cable- MARK There's another way Say something - anything JOANNE Test - one, two, three- MARK Anything but that JOANNE This is weird MARK It's weird JOANNE Very weird MARK Fuckin' weird JOANNE I'm so mad that I don't know what to do Fighting with microphones Freezing down to my bones And to top it all off I'm with you MARK Feel like going insane? Got a fire in your brain? And you're thinking of drinking gasoline? JOANNE As a matter of fact- MARK Honey, I know this act It's called the "Tango Maureen" The Tango Maureen It's a dark, dizzy merry-go-round As she keeps you dangling JOANNE You're wrong MARK You're heart she is mangling JOANNE It's different with me MARK And you toss and you turn 'Cause her cold eyes can burn Yet you yearn and you churn and rebound JOANNE I think I know what you mean BOTH The Tango Maureen! MARK Has she ever pouted her lips And called you "Pookie"? JOANNE Never MARK Have you ever doubted a kiss or two? JOANNE This is spooky Did you swoon when She walked through the door? MARK Every time - so be cautious JOANNE Did she moon over other boys - ? MARK More than moon JOANNE I'm getting nauseous MARK Where'd you learn to tango? JOANNE With the French Ambassador's daughter in her dorm room at Miss Porter's. And you? MARK With Nanetter Himmelfarb The Rabbi's daughter at the Scarsdale Jewish Community Center It's hard to do this backwards JOANNE You should try it in heels! She cheated MARK She cheated JOANNE Maureen cheated MARK Fuckin' cheated JOANNE I'm defeated, I should give up right now MARK Gotta look on the bright side With all of your might JOANNE I'd fall for her still anyhow BOTH When you're dancing her dance You don't stand a chance Her grip of romance makes you fall MARK So you think, might as well... JOANNE ...dance a tango to hell BOTH "At least I'll have tangoed at all" The Tango Maureen Gotta dance 'til your diva is through You pretend to believe her 'cause in the end - you can't leave her But the end it will come Still you have to play dumb 'Til you're glum and you bum And turn blue MARK Why do we love when she's mean? JOANNE And she can be obscene My Maureen BOTH The Tango Maureen!
這是電影吉屋出租中的一個片段。這部電影是改編至頗獲好評的音樂劇。主角是一群居住在紐約市東村 (East Village) 的朋友,一間老舊殘破的公寓住著三位室友,一個是曾經失去摯愛的吉他手音樂家 Roger Davis,黑人同性戀 Tom Collins 與紀錄片攝影師 Mark Cohen。劇情是在貧窮的的藝術家沒有錢繳房租,沒有暖氣可用的耶誕節開始,情節與主流的中產階級不同的是深入同性戀、愛滋病、嗑藥吸毒、遊民文化,反體制的波希米亞式生活。這部音樂劇獲1996年普立茲最佳戲劇類獎座、四項東尼獎與 96 年戲劇協會獎。
上述的片段是,Mark Cohen 與 Joanne Jefferson 的對話情節,Mark 與 Maureen Johnson 原本是情侶,但是後來 Maureen 拋棄 Mark,改與律師 Joanne 在一起,她是雙性戀。Maureen 要舉辦一場抗議表演,抗議財團的壓迫行為。找了 Joanne 幫忙,但是 Joanne 不熟悉音響設備,所以 Maureen 又瞞著 Joanne 私下要 Mark 前去幫忙。
這場對唱就從與女友的新舊情人尷尬面對面開始,Mark 敘述著那不停重複的憂鬱與愉悅,你像跳探戈舞曲一樣被拋擲、旋轉,又被扶正、安撫。她總是厥起小嘴對妳說些肉麻的話,妳總會懷疑她的吻是不是真心的。Joanne 問,她是否會跟男孩子閒蕩,Mark 回答不只那樣。跟 Maureen 交往似乎是一條不歸路一樣,而 Joanne 正要開始,Mark 則慶幸的結束了這段感情。
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